Rationalized Stratification (with Kieran Healy). In N. Dahir, C. Daviss and D. Grusky (eds.) Inequality Reader.

The Ordinal Society (with Kieran Healy). Harvard University Press 2024. 


The Social Scientist in the Loop: A Methodological Framework for Large-Scale Computational Text Analysis (with Sandrine Chausson, David Harding, Björn Ross, and Gregory Renard)

A Social Theory of Speculation (with Thomas Haseloff)

Lost in Translation: The Qualification of Expertise in the U.S. Legal System (with Roi Livne)

Credit Scores and the Moralization of Inequality (with Kieran Healy and Alexander Roehrkasse)

Markets in Action: Social Order and Disorder in the Eurozone (with Caleb Scoville and Irem Inal)

The Type and the Grade: Wine Classifications and the Institutional Scaffolding of the Judgment of Taste (with Rebecca Elliott and Olivier Jacquet)
